Frequently asked questions.
Yes! We offer a Free Trial Class. We run frequent Fundamentals classes which are perfect for those looking to get started. You can Schedule your Free Trial HERE.
What Should i expect in my trail class?
You can expect to have a great time! We recommend you schedule your Free Trial via the link above. We run our Fundamentals classes on a Monday & Wednesday at 8pm. In regards to what to wear we recommend shorts/Leggings and t shirt (preferably without zips), we have a short warm up of general exercises specific for jiu jitsu followed by some taught techniques from our position or topic of the week. You will also be provided with a flow chart of the position of the week.
What Memberships do you offer?
We currently offer three membership options; 1 - Standard programme, 2 - NoGi Programme, 3 - Junior Programme & 4 - PAYG at £15 per class. You can cancel or freeze your membership at anytime with 24 hours notice. Please click individual programmes for further information.
How do i cancel or freeze my membership?
You can cancel or freeze at any time, All we as is if you just drop us an email info@222jiujitsu.co.uk with 1 month notice. If you wish to freeze your membership there is a minimum time of one month with no limit on how long you can freeze for.